Friday, September 5, 2008

Announcements 9.5.08

Here are some announcements...there is a lot going on!

Sunday September 7th -
9:00 am Journey Group meeting - for folks interested in joining one or learning more about them. This is before the service. Email Traci if you have any questions.

9:15 am Prayer Gathering - A few of us are taking time to meet each Sunday before service in the room behind the balcony to meet with the Lord. We are gathering with the belief that prayer ca be devotional, worshipful, and it can be battle. We have the desire to see God leading us in all that we do and become as a church, as well as celebrate God's healing and triumph in the world beyond our church. Please join us anytime. Contact Julianne Shelton for more information.

Newcomer's Reception - this will take place after the service. If you are interested in representing our HG at this let me know.

1:00 pm Baby Shower - This Sunday Elizabeth and Julie are having a baby shower for Diana, Jason, Addison, and Aidan. It is a coed shower and all are welcome. They will be providing sandwiches and cake but you are suppose to bring a side dish/finger food. :)

Monday September 8th - Jubilee Dana Vaughn-Mgunda, Human Trafficking Training Coordinator for NC, will be leading "Human Trafficking 101: NC and Beyond," at Visio Dei. It will be from 6:30-9:30 pm. This 3 hour session will be geared toward helping participants understnad human trafficking on both a local and global level, and what they can do about it. Contact Traci for more information. It is free but you must register ahead of time.

Sunday September 14th - Leadership Development - this event has been CANCELLED for now.

Sunday September 14th - Sunday September 21st - WIHN Week
If you are in charge of an area please email the organizers of each Homegroup (listed below)
I guess we will just make announcements on Sunday mornings and then contact the organizers in each group to help us recruit volunteers. Send me the information when you have it and I will plug it in a spreadsheet.

Christy Gould - Edenton
Debby Meeks - Raleigh North
Kelly Wick - Oberlin
Kristen Wenger - Apex
Rebecca Schlieman - Raleigh North

The Africa Hope Center Team is still meeting the 1st and 3rd Sundays of every month. Contact Sam Ed for more information about those meetings.

There were EVEN more things listed in the WEEKLY from Jason so make sure you read it!

If you have any prayer requests you would like to share with the group email Kim and she can send it out.

Enjoy the rest of your Friday and Hurricane Hanna!

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