Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Welcome All Ye New Bloggers

To all you who are new to this arena of communication, I want to exend my warmest welcome to what I kindly refer to as the blogosphere. I rather enjoy this medium as it allows me to express my thoughts in a place where they are documented and I can return to them if I choose.

I hope that you all will find this blog to be a useful tool to share ideas and thoughts. Remember the blog does not generate new content on its own. It will only be as good as we make it. So, feel free to share what you're learning, to rant about whatever it is that's got you all worked up, or to simply share what's on your mind.

I look forward to hearing from you all.


1 comment:

Kim Smith said...

I dig the name of our new blog for the home group... nice work, Daniel. I look forward to communicating with you all via the blogosphere.