Thursday, August 16, 2007

Jeramie's Timely Teaching

Last night, Jeramie led us through a passage in Philippians 1. We took "the long way" to get there, via Ephesians and Acts. Where we ended up was in a discussion of Paul having great perspective. Though he went through many trials in his life, he could see them as being for the greater good because "in spite of, and sometimes because of" his trials the gospel was being preached.

This was a good message to hear because we all can get bogged down by life. Sometimes things happen in life that we are not ready for, that we can't control, or that we would not want to happen. But, as Lisa said, we have to remember that God sovereign and He is good. We have to be able to "pirouette and the entire dance".

No one is claiming that life is going to be easy all the time. We just have to hold fast to the fact that we have a God that loves us, and cares for us, and says in his word that he will not give us more than we can handle.

Jeramie's teaching was timely because he and Joye are currently going through a rough time with their house. You can read more about that on his blog, but the gist is that their AC broke, and thus they have been displaced from their home, and just when they thought it was going to be fixed, the AC repairman caught the outside of their house on fire. Let's hope that Jeramie and Joye can put into practice what we talked about last night.

Who else has something going on, or has had something, that requires them to keep things in perspective?

1 comment:

joye said...

"timely" is a great way to describe jeramie's talk last night. it's amazing to me how i can hear it, understand it, and WANT to live my life that way... but in the midst of this insane situation, i can't seem to do it. it's probably going to take some discipline on my part, and some accountability from you guys to really gain a new perspective on all of this...