Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Announcements 4.14.08

Wednesday April 16th
- Home Group Meeting 7:00 pm our house

Saturday April 19th
- Stride and Ride sign up here... or contact Jessie for more information sweetpeaze@gmail.com

Sunday April 20th - Africa Hope Center Meeting - 10:30 am at the Visio Dei Building The meetings will be the 1st and 3rd Sundays of every month

Saturday April 26th
- Drag Bingo - Contact Bernie for more information... bernardnewton@gmail.com

Saturday May 3rd
- Aids Walk + Ride SIGN UP here

Sunday May 4th - Leadership Development - 4:00 - 6:00 pm at the Visio Dei Building

Saturday May 17th - Amanda and Mike are moving - They are planning to move that morning and will need some help. So put it on your calendar. They plan to start on Friday afternoon (16th) and evening and have to go pick up some new furniture that night so if you are free on Friday they could use your help as well. :)

Saturday May 17th - Meg is having a Graduation "Kegger" Party. Meg said everyone from HG is invited so if she left you off.. she apologizes. She tried to add everyone's emails on there. Check out the evite for more information

Ok if there is something else I missed...let me know or post a comment!

See ya'll on Wednesday!


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